Vintage Kayseri Carpet
Vintage Kayseri Carpet/Turkey
- Age 40 yrs
- Size:1.74 x 1.22m ( 5ft 9 in x 4ft )
- Pure wool with cotton foundations
- Condition:excellent
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Kayseri is a large city in Central Turkey and is considered a very important hand weaving centre for both wool on cotton carpets and pure silk carpets.The vast majority of carpet weaving is still carried out in homes, with a number of woman gathering together to combine their skills to hand knot these beautiful Ottoman designed carpets.The designs tend to be formal, with beautiful palmettes, arabesques and floral medallions.. Generally a white /cream ground colour is favoured with a more pastel palette of numerous colours. Vintage Kayseri carpets in excellent condition are difficult to find as they were a very popular carpet among the middle and upper classes in Turkey, making those that are still available very good value.